Chemcial synthesis of ubiquitinated histones for biochemical and structural analysis — ASN Events

Chemcial synthesis of ubiquitinated histones for biochemical and structural analysis (#160)

Li Jia-Bin 1 2
  1. Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
  2. School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China

Histone ubiquitination plays critical roles in regulating the structure and dynamic of chromatin as well as DNA-driven processes. An understanding of how histone ubiquitin marks translate into diverse cellular events needs access to homogenously ubiquitinated histones. Here, chemical methods combining auxiliary-mediated and hydrazide-based native chemical ligation were developed to efficiently prepare several modified histones. Especially, we finish the first total chemical synthesis of di-ubiquitin modified histone. The synthetic histones were successfully applied for reconstitution of nucleosomes and further biochemical or structural analysis.