Joshua Mylne
Curtin University, WA, Australia

I'm a geneticist and biochemist who has worked broadly in plant genetic engineering (PhD Botany, UQ 2002), developmental genetics and epigenetics at the UK’s John Innes Centre (2001-2005) and peptide biochemistry in the IMB, a biomedical institute at UQ (2006-2012). I've held successive, national ARC QEII and Future Fellowships (2008-2016), was Australia’s 2012 Goldacre medal winner, a 2014 Feinberg Foundation Visiting Fellow to the Weizmann in Israel and a 2018 Fulbright Professional Scholar to the University of Minnesota. I founded my lab ( in the School of Molecular Sciences at The University of Western Australia in 2013 and in 2021 moved to Curtin University to become Deputy Director of the Centre for Crop and Disease Management ( My lab has focused on studies in protein evolution, biosynthesis and now (in close collaboration with synthetic organic chemist Keith Stubbs) more on herbicide development and target discovery ( At Curtin University in 2022 I will begin work into fungicide biotransformation. I'm the chair for the Petrh Protein Group ( and the 13th IPMB meeting ( a triennial and large meeting that will be in Cairns in 2022. I'm also fond of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and fine ales, have three wild sons, am a hockey strike forward and have nearly maxxed out my base in Clash of Clans.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The Structural Features of an Ancient Peptide Family Buried within Vicilin Precursors. (#189)
7:30 PM
Colton D. Payne
Poster Session 2 and Drinks